On Saturday 18 of this month in the facilities of the Sociedad Hebraica Argentina located in the town of Pilar in the province of Buenos Aires, took out a new edition of the National Federation Championship Kyudokan Rengokai of Argentina. More than two hundred competitors from several provinces gathered to compete in both categories categories for children, youth and adults.
El Campeonato fue dirigido por el staff de Jueces y Arbitros de la Federacion Kyudokan Rengokai a cargo de Sensei Sergio Olcelli, Sensei Cristian Lugani y Sensei Luis Lemos, quienes se desempeñaron como Jefes de Area. Al staff Kyudokan se incluyeron los jueces enviados por cada escuela de karatedo Okinawenses que participaron en el evento.
The championship was conducted by the staff of Judges and Referees Federation Rengokai Kyudokan by Sergio Olcelli Sensei, Christian Lugani Sensei and Luis Lemos Sensei, who served as department heads. When staff were included judges Kyudokan sent by each school of Okinawan karatedo who participated in the event.
El Chikara Dojo participo de este Campeonato Nacional por medio de su competidor Matias Lemos, participando como coach el señor Federico Lemos, quien tubo a su cargo la direccion tecnica del equipo.
The Chikara Dojo participated in this National Championship competitor by Matias Lemos, participating as a coach, Mr. Federico Lemos, who pipe in charge of technical direction of the team.
Matias Lemos was crowned National Champion of Karatedo Kyudokan Rengokai in the category through 5th Kyu Individual Kata in age from 12 to 13 years old. This category included the participation of a dozen competitors with an excellent technical level, which further enhances the merit of having achieved the first position for Kyudokan Chikara Dojo.