Rokkakudo es una historica habitacion de estilo Chino de la epoca de oro de Ryukyu que segun indica la Historia de la Isla, era utilizada por "Bushi" Sokon Matsumura (1797-1889) para meditar tranquilamente y escribir asi sus textos sobre To-Te (karate). Estos textos fueron entregados por Sensei Matsumura a su discipulo Yoshimasa Kuwae.
Rokkakudo room is a historical Chinese style golden era of Ryukyu indicates that according to the history of the island was used by "Bushi" Matsumura Sokon (1797-1889) to meditate quietly and well written texts on To-Te (karate). These texts were presented by Sensei Matsumura Yoshimasa Kuwae his disciple.