El dia sabado 24 de Septiembre de 2016 se llevara a cabo en la Ciudad de Moscu (Rusia) el Seminario abierto inter estilos de Karate-Do Shorin Ryu Taishinkan Chikara Dojo a cargo de Sensei Luis Lemos, Director General y Presidente de la Asociacion Shorin Ryu Taishinkan Chikara Dojo Argentina.
On Saturday September 24, 2016 will be held in the City of Moscow (Russia) Seminar Oppen inter styles of Karate-Do Shorin Ryu Taishinkan Chikara Dojo by Sensei Luis Lemos, General Director and President of the Association Shorin Ryu Taishinkan Chikara Dojo Argentina.

The same will be held as part of social and techniques activities corresponding to the first visit of Sensei Luis Lemos in Russia. This Seminar will present the main Martial Authorities that Russian Capital will be held at the prestigious Gymnasium "Kodokan" City of Moscow, a place dedicated to the practice of various traditional martial arts led by Yudo World Champion Sensei Kosorotov Sergei, whom we thank in advance for the collaboration offered for this Seminar.

The general organization of this first visit of Sensei Luis Lemos in Russia is in charge of his disciple the Lord Sergey Tashvulatov, who has already confirmed all the events to be held in the City of Moscow between days 17 and 25 September, 2016 .